4 (free) AI tools that changed my Product Discovery
How I turned a 10 hours process into 35 minutes of work
TL;DR - In a nutshell ✨
✅ Product discovery is crucial. Yet, most PMs don’t have the time to properly do it.
✅ AI can help streamline the process and handle the heavy load so PMs can focus on customer interview and in-depth analysis.
✅ Here are 4 tools that we use on a daily basis for Product discovery.
✅ This helps us save over 9 hours of research work over the “old way”
Time is our most precious asset as product professionals (along with coffee ☕️).
Schedules fill up so fast that you could easily spend a year without ever talking to a user or working on Discovery work.
Needless to say, the usual grind of market research, competitive analysis, or user interview transcriptions that take hours are often left behind.
And yet, we all agree to say they are critical elements of our job.
Enter AI Tools. They can help you streamline the process and speed up Market & User research significantly.
But where do I start ? What tools should I use ? How much is this going to cost ? How do I write a prompt ?
So many questions, that you quickly give up on the idea and leave the Market research for another time!
But fear not my friend. We have been there too.
After (too) many hours of testing and benchmarks, I landed on 4 AI tools that helped me :
🕰️ Turn 10 hours of research to 35 minutes of work.
Let’s dive in to see how.
Get market insights with sources 🎯
Market insights are a good starting point for product discovery to understand the context and evaluate the potential for a product/feature.
🕰️ The old way
❌ Duration : 2 hours
Go to Google and search for Market Reports on your industry
Read reports / articles.
Take notes of Statistics, market forecasts.
Not forget to list your sources.
Search for competitors online and check each website for insights.
⚡️ The new way
✅ Duration : 5 minutes
Go to Perplexity.ai
Write your query or copy/paste the “Market Research Prompt” from our Prompt Library.
Get a comprehensive draft and detailed insights instantly.
Prepare user interviews ⚙️
For user interviews, preparation is key. If you don’t prepare clear, structured questions, chances are you’ll miss many useful insights, or get biased answers.
🕰️ The old way
❌ Duration : 30 minutes
Figure out relevant topics to talk about
Write a list of questions.
Rephrase and refine the questions.
⚡️ The new way
✅ Duration : 5 minutes
Go to copilot.microsoft.com
Type in your prompt (or pick the interview prep prompt from our Prompt Library )
Example: act as a Product Manager. Your goal is to craft user interview questions. I want to interview Gym Owners for a Gym Management software. The goal of the interview is to learn how they handle gym management
Choose the questions you need from the list provided
Transcribe your user interviews 🏆
Talking to users and learning from them is great.
But let’s be honest, transcribing the interviews is definitely not the fun part.
🕰️ The old way
❌ Duration : 2 hour
Watch/listen to the interview
Pause and Transcribe manually the interview
Re-read the transcript
Summarize the transcript
Re-read the transcript to find key learnings
List the insights
⚡️ The new way
✅ Duration : 5 minutes
Go to tldv.io
Get the Chrome Extension or Download the App
Record your meetings with TL;DV
Get automated multi-lingual transcripts
Share the recording and transcript automatically with every meeting attendee
Access directly the interview summary and key highlights
Ask AI and get specific insights
Analyze your competitors’ offerings 🧠
Benchmarking your competition is an key aspect of Product Discovery and daily tasks.
But let’s face it, the manual process is tedious.
🕰️ The old way
❌ Duration : 6 hours
List the competitors
Go to their website
Analyze the site and documentation pages, one by one.
Manually copy paste content into your database/note taker
Extract meaningful insights.
Summarize the insights
⚡️ The new way
✅ Duration : 15 minutes
Go to thunderbit.com
Get the Chrome Extension
Setup your Web Clipper
Ask ChatGPT to list the competition
Go to their website
Launch the WebClipper
Get the content in your database
Ask ChatGPT to extract insights and write a summary
Here a quick demo of an automated competition benchmark:
Using these for 4 free tools, I save over 9 hours on research work.
I can use that time to focus on interviews, more strategic tasks or spend time on deeper analysis.
⚠️ Keep in mind that AI tools won’t replace your discovery work and strategic vision as a Product expert.
But they can help you save time of low-value tasks of your Job.
📺 We hosted a live Webinar to share our tips and demo these tools 📺
If you missed it, you can watch the replay on Youtube
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